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Friday, September 24, 2010

Sonia B.

We are very excited about the new school year!!!!
This is the third year that our daughters have attended Harmony Schools. Their fourth and fifth grade years were filled with innovative and creative ways for learning. The teachers exposed them to culturally diverse ideas and activities. They participated in fun (affordable) afterschool clubs. More importantly, the teachers were readily available for tutoring and any other assistance.
At HAS, students are rewarded for accomplishments. This concept encourages excellence. Students have the opportunity to win gift cards and other prizes for science fairs, spelling bees, academic competitions and other school-related activities.
As a parent, I am impressed that the teachers and staff make an effort to visit our homes. The HAS teachers know the impact that the family has on a child’s academic success. They go beyond the classroom to ensure that our children are able to achieve their full potential.
The new campus is beautiful. The kids are anxious to experience all the potential HSA-NA has to offer. They are being challenged academically and socially. Although the school does not offer the typical sports, students are introduced to physically and mentally-stimulating classes, i.e. judo, archery, mountain-biking.
HAS-NA is rich in cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. This allows our children to have an educational experience that will mirror their future real-world experiences.
We are excited about the projected goals for HAS-NA.
Thank you for bringing this exciting, new school to our kids and our community.

Parents of HS-NA students Sonia B.

1 comment:

  1. i am excited to read your blog. however you have been there for 3 years, and i have been trying to get my son in for 3 years. I fill out the application every year. this yea we were called for an interview with my son, my husband and my self. and still no acceptance.
    What saddens me the most is there has been several parents i know that only filled out the application this year after my family and I attended the interview. And guess what they were accepted, and didn't even do the interview.
    Sounds like an awesome school. i just don't understand there enrollment process.

    SD of Desoto
